
What is Ruku accompanied Thuma'ninah ?

Rukû 'by bending the body, until about two hands can reach the knee. Before rukû 'sunnat (recommended) to raised his hands and takbir first.
While the way rukû 'more perfect for men is by:
1) bending the body to approximately the spine of the back (verterbrate) and the neck and head can be straight;
2) enforcing both knees;
3) palms reach for knees;
4) the fingers are stretched slightly so the fingers do not turn away from the direction of Qibla.
At rukû 'sunnat read tasbîh below three times:

سبحان ربي العظيم وبحمده

"Subhana rabbiyal 'adhimi wabihamdih"

Meaning: Blessed be my Most High God and with His praise.

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